Hey Friends - It's the last day of 2024. I've spent some time over the last few days working on my hopes and plans for 2025. Here is what we have covered so far in this series. Why think about values rather than goals. | Read here Rhythms for repeated practice. | Read here Today, I want to write about how we can build out systems of accountability as we work toward the best 2025. You've got to track it. Often, when I work with individuals or congregations, they struggle. I find they aren't naming specific inputs or tracking progress. This is essential! You've got to build in named behaviors. Once you have those, you've got to have a way to track them. Whether you use a spreadsheet or a paper tracker, I suggest building one out. Jerry Seinfeld, the actor and comedian, tells a story about how he learned to write jokes. He started writing a joke each day. After he wrote his joke, he crossed off that day on the calendar. Seinfield gamified his skill by following an "don't break the chain" admonition. He tried to string as many successive days as he could writing a single joke. The practice makes perfect. I've been doing this more this past year. I make a note every day I read scripture in my Bible. I made it 200+ days in a row, and deer hunting this November when I accidently missed a day. It broke my heart. But I started over the next day. Hoping to hit 365 in 2025! I also use Readwise's daily review to go over 10 previous book highlights. Today marked 250 days in a row doing this. That slow tick mark strategy is a huge motivator. Don't try to add 18 new behaviors into next year. It can be overload. Think about what 2-3 in your personal life and 2-3 in ministry can domino all sorts of other parts of your values. Here is my list I am working on. Personal 10,000 + steps daily. Read scripture and take notes each day. Sub 3hr screentime. Ministry (these focus on my growth transitioning from local church to denominational leadership) Inbox zero each day. Stay consistent in weekly communication schedule. Don't let projects go dormant for more than 2 weeks. I'm tracking them through my Trello Weekly Dashboard and will keep an analog list of weeks accomplished on my desk. I don't know what big goals you have, but I've been sharing about the power to manage change by identifying values. I hope this has been helpful. So think through those goals, and take the time over the next few days to consider how a daily or weekly tracking system on the values can help you get there. Chad |
I steward Productive Pastor, a podcast and community of ministry leaders focused on how productivity and strategic ministry in the average church. I write about practical approaches to ministry productivity. I also write emails about church stability/development and my own theological musics in our current social moment.
Hey Friend - This is part 4 of the series on the Vitality Matrix. This email is about how church finances work inside of healthy church systems. If you missed one of the last emails, you can get the archives here. Is my church healthy (Understanding the Vitality Matrix)? | https://bit.ly/40hTSZh How healthy are the relationships in your church? | https://bit.ly/4atjA0g How good are your metrics (and do they really matter)? | https://bit.ly/4hpycAk So finances. First, let me say something a...
I keep obsessive notes in my Bible. I prefer a specific one, a Hardback Cambridge Wide Margin in NIV. I’ve bought a new one each year since 2020. I fill it with notes and take full advantage of its index and note pages to keep track of all the weird fascinations I have with scripture. When I started this process, a few obsessions I had for years came instantly into it. One of them is this unique construction that we find in the Old Testament. “Calling on the name of the LORD.” It shows up...
Hey Friend - We are back with the third email in this series on the Vitality Matrix. If you missed the past two, you can get the archives here. Is My Church Healthy? | part 1How Healthy Are Your Relationships? | part 2 Today, we are talking about the 2nd category in the vitality matrix. Objective Metric Measurements Category 2 in the Vitality Matrix sounds tedious. Or boring. You can say boring. However, it's crucial to grasp objective metrics when assessing growth. This is vital when...