I keep obsessive notes in my Bible. I prefer a specific one, a Hardback Cambridge Wide Margin in NIV. I’ve bought a new one each year since 2020. I fill it with notes and take full advantage of its index and note pages to keep track of all the weird fascinations I have with scripture. When I started this process, a few obsessions I had for years came instantly into it. One of them is this unique construction that we find in the Old Testament. “Calling on the name of the LORD.” It shows up first in scripture in Genesis 4:26. After the death of Abel, and the genealogy of Cain. It’s actually the end of the first genealogy in scripture. The story of how not just the first murder, but how the chaos of sin infected the race of humanity. A quick burst of light at the end of chapter 4. After many generations of Cain, scripture times us back to a grieving Adam and Eve. They had a new son, Seth, who had a son, Enosh. Scripture ends the chapter with this verse.
At that time people began to call on the name of the LORD. (Gen 4:26) The first example of worship we see in scripture. This basic action of “calling on the name of the LORD”. It stuck with me years ago when I first read this verse. Later, during seminary, I had dreams of continuing into doctoral work and being a theologian with a specialization in Christian Worship. Late last year, I came across the phrase in another part of scripture and remembered this previous fascination. Decades later, and many years of scripture later, I let the layers and layers of thought take shape. I made a section in the back of my Bible and started tracking it again. Recently, I spent time one night reading a few Psalms and praying the Evening Office. I came across this passage in Psalm 14.
Do all these evildoers know nothing? They devour my people as though eating bread; they never call on the name of the LORD. (PS 14:4)
It struck me for a moment. I then made my annotation and marked it in my index. Adding it to my breadcrumbs for future thought. But it stuck enough to spend some time reflecting on it in my journal. Yes, this idea of “calling on the name of the LORD” might just be worship at its most basic form. This recognition of seeing another and recognizing that they are in charge. Despite all our attempts to control things, something else is in charge. It’s almost like this is the fundamental expression of faith we can have in life. Older translations use the word “invoke” rather than "call." This gets us to a deeper theological understanding of the action. It isn’t only recognizing, but taking on some admonition of the power and claiming it in our lives. Linked to another concept I am fascinated with, it has the idea of taking refuge in God. Another one of those fundamental concepts…or perhaps these two expressions, both calling and refuge, are linked in the same action. The NLT just shoots straight to the case. It flat-out says, "At that time, people began to worship the LORD”. If we get nerdy into the Hebrew, whatever the “call” is attached to tells us an essential attribute of the person named. So in this, calling upon the name of the LORD tells us that this God, YHWH, is a God you can call to and who responds. Our God is fundamentally a God who both listens, responds, and engages with us. It isn’t selfish to seek and ask; it is what God wants us to do. I tell you that it is a comforting thing. Chad |
I steward Productive Pastor, a podcast and community of ministry leaders focused on how productivity and strategic ministry in the average church. I write about practical approaches to ministry productivity. I also write emails about church stability/development and my own theological musics in our current social moment.
It’s been a long day. I left the house right after 9 to drive 2 hours. For a 1.5 hour meeting. Then 2 hours back home. (I did get to sneak in a great lunch with a long-time friend who is also in the ministry. That was a highlight of the day). I got home around 5:30 and then spent two hours wrangling the dog while prepping for dinner tomorrow night with a few friends. Made a chicken stock. Cut up all the veggies for a massive gumbo. Now I’m at my desk, and it’s time to do the evening office....
Each morning, I make a cup of coffee and sit down with my Book of Common Prayer, journal and Note-taking Bible. I have to do it first thing. Avoid the temptation to get an early AM dopamine hit and see what interesting things happened in my social feeds while I was asleep. Stress over the anxieties of the day. Those items aren't going away, they are still coming, but not yet. I do the same thing. Pray the Daily Office. Read the scriptures. Take notes. Hit up the journal and deal with prayer,...
Hey Friend - This is part 4 of the series on the Vitality Matrix. This email is about how church finances work inside of healthy church systems. If you missed one of the last emails, you can get the archives here. Is my church healthy (Understanding the Vitality Matrix)? | https://bit.ly/40hTSZh How healthy are the relationships in your church? | https://bit.ly/4atjA0g How good are your metrics (and do they really matter)? | https://bit.ly/4hpycAk So finances. First, let me say something a...